Are you sick and tired of dealing with unwanted facial hair? Have razors, tweezers and waxing left your skin feeling sensitive and painful, without delivering a lasting result? While there are various methods available for hair removal, dermaplaning has gained significant popularity as an effective and non-invasive solution. This innovative technique not only removes unwanted hair but also provides numerous skin benefits, leaving you with a smoother complexion. Continue reading to learn more about dermaplaning for hair removal, its benefits, and why it has become a go-to choice for those wanting flawless results.

What is Dermaplaning and How Does it Work 

Dermaplaning is a non-invasive skincare procedure where a trained professional uses a special surgical blade to remove the top layer of dead skin cells and the fine, fuzzy hair on your face. Think of it as a deep exfoliation that leaves your skin feeling smooth and looking radiant. It’s like a fresh start for your complexion because it gets rid of dullness, improving the texture of your skin. Doing dermaplaning for hair removal is a great way to achieve a flawless complexion in no time!

Common Dermaplaning Treatment Areas

Learn about the most common areas of the face that are treated during a dermaplaning session:

Benefits of Dermaplaning 

Here are some of the benefits of dermaplaning:

Preparing for your Dermaplaning Treatment 

If you’re thinking of getting a dermaplaning treatment for hair removal, it’s important to prepare properly to make the most of your experience. First, schedule a consultation to discuss your concerns and goals for the treatment. In the weeks leading up to your dermaplaning treatment, avoid excess exposure to the sun or tanning beds. It is also in your best interest to avoid exfoliating products and chemical peels for several days. On the day of your appointment, make sure your skin is completely clean and free of makeup, lotions, oils, or other products. 

Aftercare Tips for Dermaplaning Patients

It’s important to take care of the skin post-dermaplaning. Make sure to hydrate your skin with a moisturizer and avoid direct sunlight for a few days after the procedure. On top of that, avoid using exfoliants for at least a week so your skin can heal. Ask your aesthetician about the products they recommend using after a dermaplaning treatment. By following these simple tips, you can ensure your skin remains flawless and hair-free for weeks to come.

Considerations Before Doing Dermaplaning 

Keep in mind that dermaplaning is not suitable for all skin types. If you have extremely sensitive skin or are prone to breakouts, dermaplaning for hair removal may not be your best option. Additionally, dermaplaning is not a one-time solution for hair removal. You will need to have the treatment done every few weeks to maintain your desired results. Lastly, dermaplaning should only be performed by a licensed professional to avoid any potential complications. 

With modern technology like dermaplaning available today, leaving annoying facial hair in the past has never been easier. Not only will your face feel smooth and fresh after dermaplaning, but you’ll also look more radiant. This non-invasive procedure is safe and virtually pain-free. You will see a difference in the short term and long term by doing regular dermaplaning treatments. Keep in mind that dermaplaning is not meant for everyone, so set up a consultation before making any decisions about dermaplaning for hair removal. If you’re ready to start your dermaplaning treatment, contact Starwood Med Spa today! 

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