Ultherapy in Frisco | Plano TX

Starwood Med Spa is proud to offer Ultherapy—the only non-invasive, FDA-cleared procedure that lifts the neck, chin and brow, and improves lines and wrinkles on the upper chest.
Ultherapy goes deeper than any other non-invasive treatment to stimulate production of your body’s own collagen and elastin:

  • Nonsurgical and customized for each patient
  • Natural-looking results that improve over time
  • No downtime
  • High patient satisfaction

Learn more about this revolutionary treatment, and how it could work for you!


If your skin isn’t as tight as you’d like, Starwood Med Spa can help to improve your skin’s elasticity using ultherapy, a noninvasive treatment for loose facial, neck, and décolletage skin. With approval by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), ultherapy’s energy from ultrasound waves can improve the laxity of your skin in a short treatment session. After your session, as your skin begins to heal itself, your body goes into a natural collagen production mode to strengthen the skin. Our team is proud to provide ultherapy to Frisco and Plano, TX patients. This procedure may be performed in combination with other rejuvenating skin procedures, such as laser skin resurfacing or an injectable for optimized results to leave the skin looking revitalized.


After you arrive for your appointment, you will be asked to get comfortable in our treatment room, where a team member will prepare the skin being treated, which may include the application of a local anesthetic. During the session, a handheld device that focuses ultrasound energy waves will glide across your skin. Based on the number of areas you’re having treated, your procedure can last around 1 – 2 hours. It is typical for the treated skin to be somewhat pink and irritated. You may apply cold compresses and take nonprescription pain medication to treat any inflammation and pain. You may apply makeup after your appointment and continue your daily activities. Ultherapy treatments will not show results right away. It will take a while for the treated skin to heal after the treatment session. With the increase in collagen, the treated skin will firm in about 6 – 8 months.

Ultherapy Treatment in Frisco, TX | Ultherapy Near Me


Costs for ultherapy depend on the condition of your skin, your aesthetic goals, and how many areas are being treated. During your consultation at Starwood Med Spa, your team member will examine your skin, talk to you about your goals, and then help you design your treatment plan. Then they will be better able to estimate the cost of your treatment.

Ultherapy is effective for tightening, improving, and smoothing the skin of the face, neck, and chest areas.

Both women and men who want to tighten loose skin, minimize wrinkles and lines, and reduce the signs of aging are perfect candidates for ultherapy. The best candidates still have good skin tone but are beginning to see the signs of aging and skin laxity (looseness) — typically between the ages of 30 — 40.

With ultherapy, you typically don’t see immediate results. Instead, your skin starts to slowly improve over the months after your last treatment as the collagen and elastin levels in your skin increase.

How many ultherapy sessions are needed will be determined by your aesthetic goals and skin condition. Most patients with decent skin tone may see dramatic results after their first treatment. For patients with more significant signs of aging, a series of treatments is typically needed.

Star Wood Spa


Enjoy Ultherapy sessions at Starwood Med Spa so the skin on your face, chest, neck, and chin can be fabulously toned without surgery. Our ultrasound process that is approved by the FDA will tighten your skin for dramatic results with no recovery time. We would love to talk more about this technique with you in your initial consultation with our team in our Frisco and Plano, TX offices. Contact us to schedule your appointment today.

*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.

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