Does CoolSculpting® Reduce Cellulite?

Whether you spend countless hours in the gym without achieving the results you want ­— or you simply have lingering problem areas that never seem to respond to your efforts — you know just how frustrating those stubborn bulges of fat can be. Men and women of all ages and lifestyles struggle with small to moderate deposits of fat that won’t seem to budge, despite dedicated diet and fitness efforts. Traditionally, liposuction was the only viable option for removing fat cells, but many people don’t want to undergo an expensive surgery that requires an extended recovery period. Thanks to advances in cosmetic technology and techniques, the highly experienced team of medical aestheticians at Starwood Med Spa in Frisco and Plano, TX offer nonsurgical fat minimizing treatments, including Cool Sculpting.

Without a doubt, Cool Sculpting is one of the most sought-after fat minimizing therapies offered at Starwood Med Spa. This innovative treatment is completely noninvasive and can produce visible results in as few as 1 – 2 sessions, making it easy to understand why CoolSculpting continues to grow in popularity. Now, Starwood Med Spa offers the state-of-the-art Cool Sculpting Elite, which boasts many more advantages over traditional CoolSculpting, including treating larger areas of the body, more fat reduction, and greater precision.

What is CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting is a breakthrough noninvasive treatment that utilizes the process of cryolipolysis to freeze fat cells in various target areas across the body. During a Cool Sculpting session, which typically lasts about 30 – 40 minutes depending on the area being treated, your licensed and experienced medical aesthetician will apply the CoolSculpting paddle, or applicator, to the target area. You’ll feel mild sensations of cooling, tugging, pulling, or stinging, but this usually subsides after the first several minutes, and the procedure is generally well tolerated. As the fat cells are cooled to a specific temperature, they ultimately die and will eventually be passed from the body.

Where can Cool Sculpting be used?

One of the exciting advantages of CoolSculpting is that it can help minimize fat in the following areas of the body:

  • Under the chin
  • Under the jaw
  • Thighs
  • Abdomen
  • Flanks
  • Bra line
  • Back
  • Under the buttocks
  • Upper arm

During your initial consultation, the knowledgeable and caring staff at Starwood Med Spa in Plano or Frisco, TX will thoroughly examine your areas of concern and determine if Cool Sculpting — or another therapy — is the most appropriate treatment to help you achieve your goals. It is important to remember that Cool Sculpting is not designed to be a weight-loss tool or a large volume fat reduction method. On average, patients can expect approximately a 20 – 25% reduction in fat cells in the treated area.

Can CoolSculpting treat sagging skin and cellulite?

It is perfectly natural for patients to wonder whether CoolSculpting can help reduce the appearance of cellulite as it works to get rid of fat. Unfortunately, CoolSculpting does not typically produce any visible improvements in skin tone or texture, including altering the appearance of cellulite. It is crucial that patients have realistic expectations about Cool Sculpting before undergoing the treatment and remember that the procedure is designed to target underlying fat cells rather than address skin issues. However, many patients do report an overall firmer, tighter, and more contoured overall look in the area that was treated with CoolSculpting.

How long does it take to see CoolSculpting results, and how many sessions will I need?

As with any treatment, CoolSculpting results can vary from patient to patient. In general, patients will begin to see preliminary results within three weeks after treatment, and the results will continue to progress over the next several months. It may take up to 1 – 3 months after your last CoolSculpting session for the final results to become visible.

Likewise, the number of Cool Sculpting sessions needed will vary based on a number of factors, including the area being treated, the amount of fat present, and the patient’s ultimate goals. On average, patients need between 1 – 3 CoolSculpting sessions to realize their ideal results, though some patients choose to undergo additional sessions to further enhance their results. During your initial consultation, the caring professionals at Starwood Med Spa can recommend an appropriate number of treatments based on your individual case.

If you are interested in learning more about the exciting possibilities of Cool Sculpting as a fat minimizing treatment, the first step is to be evaluated by an experienced professional. Contact Starwood Med Spa in Plano or Frisco, TX to schedule your consultation today, and take the first step toward getting the stunning, sleek, firmer figure you have always wanted!

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